Friday, September 25, 2009

Running In the Rain

Yesterday, Kruizer went for his first official run. Actually, its was more like a run, walk, run, then walk again, so no harm done to his young bones.

The funny thing was that he really didn't know what to do at first. Couped up over the last few days because of bad weather, he was full of vim and vigor. So when I started running, he'd bound in front of me, flipping and jumping, ready for a game of catch or some other fun. When he fully assessed the situation, I swear I saw a look of disappointment on his face -- especially when I would slow to a snail's pace to try desperately to catch my breath (yes, its been a very long time since I last ran too.)

He finally got used to the new routine and both runner and dog had a nice outing. The light drizzle and cool weather made it even more relaxing. Hopefully we'll make a habit of this in the near future.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

That Doggie in the Window

Poor Kruizer. Over the last two weeks, the flu has been spreading through our house like wildfire. That has left us a little on the lethargic, if not scattered, side. So admittedly, Kruizer has not gotten the exercise he's grown accustomed to around here.

We also haven't taken him out much because, well, we haven't gone out much. This is so unsettling for him. He's gotten used to our busy schedule and used to lots of work. So this dry spell has led to one very, very stir crazy pup.

Its gotten so bad that as soon as he sees me get my keys, he not-so-patiently waits by the front door. The look on his face is too much for me. So in the car he comes, even if its just up to the store and back.

This morning was exceptionally crazy, everyone in the house in an official tizzy. And that's why I didn't have time to bring Kruizer with us on our daily trip to school.

As I pulled out of my driveway I looked up and saw the most pathetic, sad doggie in the world looking back at me from our living room picture window. My heart broke.

So today, I'm making a special effort to play ball, go on a walk and get out of the house for a little while. This guy has brought us so much happiness, its the least I can do to return the favor.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our Holy Canine

I am very embarrassed to admit that, due to all the excitement in our household, our attendance at Church has been less than stellar. Come Sunday, we've either been sick or tired or both and can't seem to get ourselves out the door.

Feeling the void, I decided to buck the trend and once again make it a priority. So this Sunday we went to Church.

Now, usually Kruizer's boy has a very difficult time here. The noise, the close proximity to so many others and the sermons he doesn't understand, make the experience less than enlightening for him. He usually acts out and becomes aggressive even at the thought of going.

Not this week. That's because instead of going it alone, this time he had his faithful companion by his side. Kruizer was wonderful -- except for the occasional snore that could be heard from our pew. And his boy responded in kind. He was calm, settled and relaxed.

I was so happy. This is an important part of my life and I was glad to see my son finally able to share in it. We'll be back next week and hopefully Kruizer can work another miracle or two -- hopefully minus the snores.