Friday, July 31, 2009

Our Energizer Doggy

The last few days have been unusually rainy and cold for a Colorado summer. Unfortunately, this has made us remiss in our Kruizer exercise duties. So after three days of no outside play, he was pretty much bouncing off the walls.

Even tonight during our evening fetch time, he was literally pouncing in the field as he tried to find the ball. He'd sniff, take a hop, turn, then take another hop, until finally he found his prey. This continued for at least a half hour. It took an additional half hour for him to finally slow down enough to rest.

Tonight I'm a little nervous for winter. I guess we're all going to have to brave the elements so Kruizer stays happy and calm. The exercise will do us all (me especially!) good.

In the meantime he's at my feet dropping the ball yet again. He keeps going and going and going.................

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Shining Example to All

The other day we ran into another service dog at the hospital. We gave Kruizer a quick "Ignore" command and he did brilliantly.

Not so for the other dog. He was definitely aggitated and kept barking at us. The sound echoed in the large lobby and lots of people turned to see what was going on.

We had to pass him again on the way out, but this time went on the other side of the lobby so we didn't create a scene. Unfortunately we still got the dog's attention and the barking started all over again.

As we were ready to leave one of the security guards called us over. You see, we're pretty much regulars there and they all know Kruizer. The guard was concerned about the other dog and even questioned if it was truly a service dog (I guess they've had a problem with people trying to bring family pets in under the guise of being in service).

"After all, a service dog shouldn't bark, should it?" he asked. "Your dog never does that."

The kids and I got a good chuckle over this little exchange. Looks like Kruizer has set the Gold Standard for dog behavior at Children's Hopsital. Too bad I can't take any of the credit for this. But Deborah, Meridee and Ed, you should be very proud of your puppy!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Everybody Loves Kruizer

Today while we were visiting the hospital, I noticed so many people pointing and smiling as we walked by with Kruizer. Come to think of it, this happens almost every time we go out with him.

I realized how special this is. Not many people can bring so much joy simply by walking by. Yet Kruizer repeatedly makes people Oh and Aww and Smile. He just oozes a sense of calm and sweetness. I feel very lucky to have him in our lives.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kruizer Goes Camping

This weekend we introduced Kruizer to a family tradition. We packed up kids and dogs alike and went camping at Lake McConaughy in Nebraska.

At first Kruizer was a little unsure of where we were taking him and what he was supposed to do in this mini home-away-from-home. But he soon rebounded and got into the fun.

He had an exceptionally fun time playing catch at the swim beach. We kept thinking we had worn him out, but time and time again, he'd come back for more. Both he and old Beau-Dog were swimming up a storm and having a grand time. Same for the humans. We were truly sad to leave come Sunday.

Beau enjoying the water.

Kruizer showing off his stroke!

Kruizer and Beau crashed out after a day of fun at the beach.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma

Today is Grandma's birthday. We all went out for brunch at a local restaurant and, of course, Kruizer came with us. He did great. He sat under the table quietly for over an hour, wasn't tempted by any food or passersby -- even his heel was good!

He also helped his Boy during the event. Usually outings to restaurants can be stressful and boring for him. But today, he was noticeably more relaxed. At one point when it became too much for him, he just went under the table and sat with Kruizer. That helped him get through the event without any major anxiety or meltdowns. A good time was had by all.

Earlier today I also went on a long walk with Kruizer and his Boy. We worked on Kruizer's heel and automatic sits. He's doing much better, but sometimes I think if he wasn't a service dog, he'd have a career as a sled dog because he loves to pull so much. He was also in a social mood, trying to visit with a couple of dogs passing by, but quickly went back to a heel with a couple of prompts.

That's it for now. Its time to go back to celebrating Grandma's 81st.